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Problem with mods

3 participants

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Problem with mods Empty Problem with mods

Message par mizder Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 11:19

Hello, and sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I do not speak french Smile anyway, when ever i try to load a texture mod( Pandashira, Rose Gagua) it only work sometimes. how can fix this? also i Install halloween town patch to my iso, but only the music change, no town change. Thank you, and again sorry if it is not in the correct area Smile


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par 'Housenka Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 11:30

Hello mizder,

So, for your problem, it seems me that you mustn't have "Media Install" installed. If you have it, try to uninstall it Wink

Sorry to my bad language but I'm not really good in english Razz

EDIT : Sorry again but I forgot, good job and congratulations Dark Vanth to your Custom Quest Store :tkt:

Nombre de messages : 2397
Age : 29
Localisation : Devant l'ordi surement
Rang : MHF2 : 6 ; MHFU : 9 ; MHP3rd : 6
X-Tag : Housenk@
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par mizder Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:16

Housenka, I did as you said and reinstalled the media install, but still only the music is changing. What other possibilities are there? I am ripping my umd again as I write this, and I will see if it was a bad iso dump. Thank you.


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par 'Housenka Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:20

No, you mustn't reinstall "Media Install" but uninstall it. I believe that the texture mods don't work entirely when the Media Install is installed Wink

Nombre de messages : 2397
Age : 29
Localisation : Devant l'ordi surement
Rang : MHF2 : 6 ; MHFU : 9 ; MHP3rd : 6
X-Tag : Housenk@
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par mizder Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:24

Oh Ok, I will try that and get back to you. Thank you for your quick help! Very Happy


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par 'Housenka Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:30

You're welcome for the help, inform us of the result Wink

Nombre de messages : 2397
Age : 29
Localisation : Devant l'ordi surement
Rang : MHF2 : 6 ; MHFU : 9 ; MHP3rd : 6
X-Tag : Housenk@
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par mizder Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:35

Unfortunatly, It still does not work Sad I do not understand the problem. I deleted the media install, and applied my mods to a new rip. I did not even patch it to english this time. I am using the Jinouga rouge-Noir mod, pigachu, ranguro_bleu, Halloween town, pandashira, Jhen waterploof( makes jhen mohran blue like whale) and the OCEAN mod with it( makes great desert like Ocean) and a mod for R.Ludroth. I got all of them from this website. Right now only pigachu is work. Please help me Sad

EDIT: now jhen work, and ranguro. I am testing more. Jinouga now work, also pandashira and gagua rose. but still no village change. It seems that halloween town does not work with me, but christmas town does. thank you! Smile

Dernière édition par mizder le Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:51, édité 1 fois


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par 'Housenka Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:50

Hum, I don't see the problem too. Apparently, other people have just the music too but I don't know why. Sorry but I couldn't help you now =/

EDIT : I split our messages in a new topic to evoid of pollute the Dark Vanth's topic Wink

Dernière édition par 'Housenka le Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:59, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 2397
Age : 29
Localisation : Devant l'ordi surement
Rang : MHF2 : 6 ; MHFU : 9 ; MHP3rd : 6
X-Tag : Housenk@
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par mizder Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:52

Yes, I believe there is a problem with the halloween town mod, as the Christmas one works just fine :/ Is possible to fix it?


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par LightPhenix Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 19:55

Yes, the halloween town mod is a version 2. But the author have made a mistake, he have forget to make a FULL Mod... Only the music is on the MOD.

To resolve this, the author must to re-upload the version 1, or make a version 3 >_<

Nombre de messages : 3901
Age : 33
Localisation : Pas très loin sur ta gauche
Rang : Fatalis Vert a pois rose
X-Tag : [FT]_lightphenix
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2007


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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

Message par mizder Lun 2 Mai 2011 - 5:22

Ok, and thank you for moving the topic. Smile thanks for being so helpful! Smile


Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 28
Localisation : Australia, or under your bed! ;)
Rang : MHFU HR9, MHP2G HR7, MHP3 HR6
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2011

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Problem with mods Empty Re: Problem with mods

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