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How can I mod maps and areas???

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How can I mod maps and areas??? Empty How can I mod maps and areas???

Message par latetamadrid1234 Mar 1 Mai 2012 - 20:51

I need a full tuto that says exatly how to mod maps and areas please.


Nombre de messages : 7
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2012

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How can I mod maps and areas??? Empty Re: How can I mod maps and areas???

Message par Kono Mar 1 Mai 2012 - 21:42

Don't forget that you can only mod textures of an area. You can mod areas as you mod armors or monsters.

First of all, you'll need this: http://lightphenix.free.fr/modding_files/Models_Maps.rar This is an archive which contains all the maps

Then you'll need this: http://lightphenix.free.fr/modding_files/Ref_MAPs.rar
You must extract this file in the directory _Remplir/ref/

And then, you'll need this: http://lightphenix.free.fr/modding_files/MOD_Map.bat
This is a window's script. You must place it beside the MOD_creation.bat file. Just launch it and follow the instructions. If you have questions about it, don't hesitate, we'll answer it Wink

I'm sorry for my bad english, i really suck in this language Razz

Nombre de messages : 3997
Age : 31
Localisation : Sur la banquise avec un pingouin célèbre
Rang : Libriste
X-Tag : Parce que Linux c'est le bien.
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2009


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How can I mod maps and areas??? Empty Re: How can I mod maps and areas???

Message par latetamadrid1234 Mer 2 Mai 2012 - 2:40

thanks! all right but, I need to launch TMH.exe like a normal monster or I need to use another tool??? and I have another problem... when I launch TMH.exe it proces all archives until pixels_012_RGB8888 and says "TMH.exe has stoped working"... I save the pixels_XXX_RGBXXXX.bmp archives in A8 R8 G8 B8 format (32bits) and pallete_XXX_XXXXX archves in A1 R5 G5 B5 format and I'm not sure about how to made it scratch ...please help Smile


Nombre de messages : 7
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2012

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How can I mod maps and areas??? Empty Re: How can I mod maps and areas???

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